Saturday, April 28, 2012

Springing forward

Dear lovely readers, I am two weeks and a few finals short of graduation so I have been away more than usual. Thanks for sticking around! I have lots to catch up on here.

 Reminder, tomorrow is the last day to enter my giveaway. Enter here

Since I live in an apartment while I build my dream home, in my mind and live vicariously through Real Housewives of BH & NJ, I do not have space to keep my full wardrobe accessible. So, my big seasonal cleanings, wherein I swap in my seasonal appropriate clothes from storage, are also closet purges. I have to make myself part with items to justify new purchases. If I let my closet overflow I lose track of what I own and wear less items.

I wish I had a closet managing system a la Cher in Clueless! Will swivel be an app for that?
 How do you keep track of your wardrobe? 

I separate my clothes into categories of things to sell/consign, donate, fix, or toss.

I try to stay away from impulse purchases but they sometimes sneak in! I mitigate my loss by selling or consigning. Most career clothes cannot fetch near original value so I donate them to non-profits. I place aside some trendy or boring items for DIY projects. All else is trashed.

I also challenge myself to move things out of my closet by emptying my shopping bags and filling them with things they replace in my closet. I am more happy to part when I see the direct exchange.
My most recent purge
The following is a non-exhaustive list of places where you can donate career clothing. Also consider donating to your local battered women’s shelters.
 Do you have other suggestions? 

The one item that never gets packed away and I cannot imagine parting with is my two tone submariner rolex. I wear it almost daily because it is a good contrast against an ultra feminine outfit and plays well with dressed down looks too. It is a costly investment but does not lose value quickly and is a good family heirloom. ;) 
Here's an instagram pic of my favorite any season go to!

♥ Thanks for reading and supporting my blog! 

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